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Who I am and What is Borrowed House Concerts?

Dee Voss,
Talent Booker,
Venue Promoter,
Chief Furniture Re-Arranger

As long as I can remember music has been important in my life.  So many of my memories and feelings have their very own "sound track."  BHC is about promoting music, the musicians who devote their everything to it, and all the magic that it brings.  Creating new song tracks for our lives.

A number of years ago I went to my first house concert......I was instantly hooked and knew I had to do this!

What is a house concert?  Well, we all know what a "house" is; we all know what a "concert" is.  A house concert is exactly as it sounds...a concert IN a house! Now I'm not talking about your cousin's son's high school garage cover band, though I am sure they are very good.  I'm talking about nationally/internationally vetted, touring, award-winning, even Grammy nominated singer/songwriters playing in the most intimate of concert settings, someone's living room.  

I live in a shoebox-sized apartment, acoustically challenged at best, not exactly suitable for the house concert experience. When I decided I wanted to do this house concert thing I needed a better "venue."  So, what do we do when we have a problem? We phone a friend and ask to borrow their house! Without hesitation (or need for explanation, I might add) they said YES!  And thus "Borrowed House Concerts" was born!  

I'm booking six-seven shows a year and now have five houses to "borrow."  I bring in performers from the local Boston music scene, Nashville, Canada and beyond!  I now have artists who are reaching out to me to come play for you!  I pinch myself every time I think about how lucky I am to get to do this.

Here's how it works......I communicate with some amazing folk, pop, rock, jazz, Americana, blues, Celtic artists; we pick a date, I borrow a house and re-arrange the furniture.   YOU buy a "ticket" (donation directly to the artist), grab your favorite beverage and a snack to share and we all settle in for an experience unlike any other.  

It's affordable!  Donations are usually between $25-$35.  We commonly use the term "ticket" when referring to your donation, because it's a word that everyone understands when they think of a concert. But this is NOT a business, this is my hobby and my passion.  EVERY DOLLAR you donate to reserve a seat at a BHC show is given to the artist...100%.

There's no bar chatter, no drunks yelling "play Freebird!" No tipping the bartenders and waitresses.  You can take pictures, talk to the artist about their music, find out who inspires them, buy a CD and get it autographed! But best of all you are supporting some incredible artists!

We limit the number of shows each year.  Not because I can't find people to play, there's so much talent out there!  It's more so I don't wear out my welcome at my borrowed houses or wear out my audience. But most importantly it allows me to devote the time and energy each individual show, artist, and YOU deserve!   I intend to keep this a special experience for all.

How do you get to come to a show?  Well check out the schedule, find something that interests you?   Now that my awesome son has set up this new version of our website, you can reserve a seat right through the site!  The site keeps a list for me and even sends out reminder emails! Then you just drop a check in the mail and you're in!  

Check out the FAQ section for additional information.

Interested in hosting a show at your house and what to know the details? send me an email at

Do you know an amazing artist?  Are you an amazing artist who just can't wait to play for the BHC audience?  Well reach out to me and let's chat!  You can either message me through the "Borrowed House Concerts" on Facebook, check out the "Wanna Play BHC?" section of this site, or email me at 

Hope to see YOU soon at a BHC show!

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