Wanna Play BHC?
Interested in Playing the Borrowed House Concerts Stage?
Think you've got the music I just gotta hear? I love bringing new talent to the Borrowed House Concert listening community!
Here's what I look for and what you need to do...
Original music! I love to showcase singer/songwriters and their original music! Covers that you've made your own are great sprinkled in here and there, but I'm really not looking for someone who does strictly cover music. Large bands are also a space-challenge.
Let me know where you're playing local! I would love to come check out a live show. What better way to see what kind of live show you have than to go to one!
Send me a CD! Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know you're all over YouTube, you have awesome videos on your Facebook and website, but I'm truly not going to sit in front of my computer for any length of time to check you out. I live with the music I bring to BHC. I play it at work, in my car (one artist dubbed it my "Automobile Audition"), around my house, out for a walk. I'm not going to sit still to keep hitting "next" or spend time searching for you. Sorry if that is a problem, but this is not my full-time job and my time to sit, and search is somewhat limited.
If you get BOOKED to play BHC...I expect that you will help me promote your show by sharing our website and Facebook event on your website and Facebook pages (if you have one). I don't know all your fans, and we want them to know they are welcome! We also ask that each artist donate one CD (I'll take more if you're willing) to use as an "ornament" on our charity raffle Christmas Tree at our local Festival of Trees.
The address to send your CD to is:
Dee Voss
48 Westville Rd B1-U1
Plaistow, NH 03865
This is NOT the address of any shows - this is the acoustically-challenge shoebox I live in.
What I can offer you...
Sound System - By generous donation of a music-loving friend, I was able to acquire a pretty nice sound system. I have pretty much everything you'll need. So, if you don't have sound, it's not a problem, you are still welcome at Borrowed House Concerts.
Overnight Accommodations - Sometimes it's a couch, sometimes it's an air mattress, sometimes it's an actual bedroom. But it's always available for those troubadour musicians. Oh, and we'll feed you pretty well too! (Unfortunately, we are not able to provide hotel accommodations at this time.)
100% of the Door and a chance to sell your Merch - Everyone brings food and I cover the "incidentals." All the donations go to you. I'll set the "requested donation" amount based upon what I think I can realistically get for you and that will get you the largest audience.
THE MOST ATTENTIVE, MUSIC-LOVING AUDIENCE! - Borrowed House Concerts is an amazing community, growing with each show. I'm very proud to say that we have been able to "sell out" nearly every show we have offered. I really think you'll fall in love with us!
Who Has Played at Borrowed House Concerts?
Here's the GROWING list of amazing artists who have played the BHC Stage
- Seth Glier w/Ryan Hommel (Middleton, NH)
- Chelsea Berry
- Jenn Grinels
- Seth Glier w/Joe Nerney
- Chad Perrone
- Antje Duvekot
- Flynn
- Joel Cage
- Lisa Mills
- Charles Berthoud
- Grant Stinnett
- The DuPont Brothers
- Claude Bourbon
- The Rough and Tumble
- Charlie Farren
- Bruce Marshall
- Matt Cusson
- Megan Burtt
- Lorna Simes
- Bob Halprin
- Brian Dunne
- Jim Trick
- Chris O'Brien
- Jon Butcher
- Britt Connors
- Sam Robbins
- James Montgomery
- Shanna in a Dress
- Patrick Sampson
- Meaghan Farrell
- Jon Pousette-Dart Duo w/Jim Chapdelaine
- Dave Gunning & JP Cormier
- Grace Morrison
- Ari Hest
- RB Stone
I'm talking to new and exciting artists each and every day!